Hi... girls...

it's been a while that i type article to u guys..

is cold here.. real cold.. -20 sth degree 

makes me miss home, miss taiwan, miss you guys


I'm trying to take care of myself

trying to adapt life without Ziv, home, and u guys

trying to... find the "old Vicky" bac

trying to do everything i can to improve myself

try not to let who loves me down

try not to let myself down


I'm kind of like wondering around this week

Can't be concentrate during study hall

Sometimes i don't eat, other time i eat a lot

Try to not stay in my room by myself

I forgot whether is monday or tuesday 

but one night i asked myself why am i here in the room

why am i here in the state?


i just finished my math homework before i typed this

everytime i feel depressed after doin math homework

i'm just... not a math genius.. not Ziv

sometimes i wanna give up

i don't know why did i study if the scores turn out the same


i'm sick of the "racial discrimination"

asian = nerds = people who wear glasses= silence

 the attitude of teachers toward us

i'm also sick of fake people


when i'm sad

i go to you girls' facebook wall

i'm trying to find sth that i'm familiar w/

and sometimes i realized that i'm no longer there

KCBS turns out to be unfamiliar

occupied by new students, new classrooms, new teachers..

is no longer the school that i had been attended for 8 years..

and i just left for not even one year..

sometimes it seems near others it seems far..


remembered that i always write little notes to you girls?

i still remember we always write notes to each others

every break, and every classes

but i guess... not everyone likes it

someone told me that.. "is good to show your love towards other, but is not good if you do it everyday, cuz that will makes it not valuable anymore"

is that the truth?

for me love is valuable because you can feel it everyday

is it wrong to think like this?


i want to cry right now, at this moment

but i can't anymore

who am i?

 where did i belong to?

am i still important to anyone?

or am i on the way to be forgotten?



sorry girls...

just feeling sorry....



still love you all...






won't be bac during spring break



miss you all..





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